New technologies in the field of engineering communications have brought a lot of unusual. Today there are new systems, helping to get rid of an ice armour on roofs of houses. Formation of ice coating on roofs leads to the hammering of thawed snow passing as well as in water-drains , on eaves outgrowths and icicles are formed ready to be broken downwards in any minute. At ice coating the roof tests the maximal loading, drainpipes burst, grooves are deformed. To avoid troubles, a special covering on roof will be set up to interfere with formation of ice coating.
The system of roof and water-drains anti-icing represents simple enough, easy in installation and a universal design, with the complete set of accessories for prevention of ice coating formation and removal of an ice and snow from grooves, water-drains and roofs. On a roof, in grooves and inside of water-drains the cable which is capable to heat up to the certain temperature is laid interfering with formation of ice. The heating cable is fixed, connected to the power equipment and supplied with switches and temperature regulators. The cable is executed in the form of the distributed resistance that allows to provide an identical potential difference between trunks in any point of a cable. The system is easy for adapting to any project changes arising during installation (installation in a place). Cutting off a superfluous heating cable, you will not affect in any way on power characteristics of cable thermal emission . Special polymer from which the core of a cable is executed, adjusts target capacity of a cable depending on changes of an external ambient temperature (lower the temperature,more the thermal capacity produced by a cable). The cable saves the energy , does not overheat roof material , can be totally switched off. First of all systems of an anti-icing differ with their general capacity. Anti-icing cable can be established not only practically on all types of roofs, but also can be involved in system of water supply. The heating cable laid along a pipe, does not allow water to freeze inside of it, hence, the pipe will not burst. In the same way it is possible "to warm up" the steps before a building that will provide cleanliness in premises and will prevent possible traumas. Popularity of anti-icing systems grows. Moreover , they already become an integral part of engineering communications complex. Also it is not excluded, that in the foreseeable future the similar systems relieving roofs from icicles and icing, will be included in standards as obligatory at construction of buildings of the certain type. The system of an anti-icing is recommended in the application of inclined roofs with a constant seam; flat roofs; grooves and drain funnels; plastic and metal roofs; "soft" roof and roofs without grooves, etc.