Copper as a roofing material has high architectural expressiveness. Copper is reduced by phosphorus which removes occurrence of patina for 20-25 years. Operating period of a copper roof is 100-150 years.It is not necessary to look after it , but if urgent copper can be easily repaired. Copper till now is considered to be as one of the most expensive roo
fing materials. It is not recommended to save on a roof. Taking into account this solid operating period copper can be considered to be the cheapest roofing material. During its long lasting period color of a copper roof varies: First it is reddish -yellow, brightly shining under the sun, then appears noble bronze-brown color soon varying on matte-black, and at last, having grown old (in fifteen years), it f becomes bright green- malachite. Copper oxid protects metal from influence of atmosphere better than any paint. . It is possible that the natural beauty of copper can satisfy the most refined taste. But it was found out, that the painting of a copper roof set by the nature constrains the flight of fancy of architects and designers.